CURE continuum

Note of warning: A lot what is written is the artist investigative thoughts, insights and creative writings in searching out for a sense of truth or way forward in helping aboriginal people to reintroduce cultural practices. At no point the artist declares he is an expert or intends to offend anyone and apologises upfront if this happens when reading artist writings. But hopes to connect and establish an alliance with other like minded people to help address the systematic issues that continuously effect indigenous Australians today.


… a moral compass narrative within the right and wrong rainbow

Esteemed Indigenous artist and performer Zane Saunders continues the development of his latest performance installation work Spirit: Cure.

A new signature work, Cure explores culture spirituality, engaging audiences in an immersed, ritualised, experiential performance.

Cure uses the metaphor of a moral compass symbolised by the ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’ Rainbow, which is formed in the shape of the arch. Two large-scale, engineered, sweeping mechanised arches form the installation that Saunders has commissioned to perform with.

The Spirit series focuses on culture with the intent to reclaim ancestral spiritual identity. Spirit embodies these values through a series of signature art installations and performances presented in contemporary art spaces.

The Spirit concept was conceived during the Australia Council for the Arts Signature Works Program, Sydney, 2016. Cure was then produced in November 2019 at an Arts Ignite residency at Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts, Brisbane.

In one persons view, ‘Powerful, intriguing’. Saunders states, ‘I see myself providing audiences with a profound experience to help shift something within them.’

The Spirit series and current work Cure has been developed with the support from: Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, Bulmba-ja, Judith Wright Arts Centre Arts Queensland (JWCAQ), Victor Steffensen, Arts Queensland, Justin Bishop, Miriam Carter, Bonemap, Dancenorth, Nicholas Mills, Culture Mechanics, Cameron Deyell, Jiva Sztraka, Greg Hillman, Kuranda Conservation Community Nursery, NorthSite Contemporary Arts, Djabugay Corporation, TRACQS, Hanby Welding & Engineering, EDMS Engineering, the Australia Council for the Arts, family and indigenous communities, elders, healers & teachers and the many other unnamed associates.

image by Russell Milledge

Cure portrays a narrative of dualism. One of unceasing tragedy, the other of contextual relevance emanating legacies eternal and expansive of values aligned to the continual preservation of Earth.

Cure is a product of the Spirit series.
Spirit focuses on culture with intent, to reclaim ancestral spiritual identity.
Spirit embodies these values through a series of signature art installation performances presented
in contemporary art spaces.

Cure challenges the ideals of corporative industrial agriculture and organised religion versus indigenous culture & spiritual identity.

Cure uses the metaphor of a moral compass symbolised by the Right and Wrong Rainbow, which is formed in the shape of the arch.

Cure engages audiences in ritualised performance.
“I see myself providing audiences with a profound experience to help shift something within them”.

Through indigenous contemporary performance, I hope to inspire audiences to think about the importance and relevance of indigenous contextual culture & spiritual practices. The length of the performances will be approximately 45 minutes.

Cure is an intelligent orchestration of artistic movement performing a relational ritual between the mechanised elements and symbolic narrative.
Right Rainbow…
The right rainbow is reflected in nature, it depicts the supernatural forces at play that helped in the formation of Dreaming our Creation. It maintains the Natural Created Order in which our cultures and spiritual practices depict and depend on.
Wrong Rainbow…
Introduced religions, value systems and ways that can be detrimental to survival of all natural flora & fauna environments, and diverse world aboriginal presence. Wrong Rainbow, Right Rainbow relevance lies within contextual positioning…    i A S S U M E…

Cure 2020
Photographer/videographer - Russell Milledge
Music composed and performed by Cameron Deyell